San Jose/Bay Area Alert: Nicholas Hazen Welker of Sunnyvale, CA aka “KingOv VVrath” tied to Kerrville mass shooting plot
Nicholas Hazen Welker aka “KingOv VVrath” poses in a image posted to the InJekt Division Telegram. Prior to being arrested for a planned mass shooting at a local Walmart, Coleman Thomas Blevins as user “Korb Taran” wrote, “Secondary shoutout to our networking official Wrath. He’s got his grimy little fingers into extremism all over the internet. Without those leprosy ridden fingas, InJekt Division would not exist in any capacity today. Catch him at the next faggot EDM festival. We’ll be working the ‘fog machine’ if you catch my drift. Our stage name is gonna be Zyklon Bizzle88 uWu”.
This past Thursday, May 27th Coleman Thomas Blevins of Kerrville, Texas was arrested by the KCSO Special Operations Division and was believed to be planning a mass shooting targeting a local Walmart, a copycat of the 2019 El Paso Shooting. Blevins was arrested with firearms, ammunition, and ideological paraphernalia including several notorious accelerationist works including The Turner Diaries and eco-fascist Mike Mahoney’s book Harassment Architecture. Blevins additionally possessed and displayed the Battle Flag of the Confederate States of America, a Falangist (a Spanish fascist tendency) flag, the flag of Saudi Arabia, and a modified Reichskrieg flag with a Sonnenrad and Odal rune featured prominently on it. In an interview Blevins made comments suggesting that his father Barry Vincent Blevins (who lives in the Alpine, Texas area) shares his views on National Socialism. In addition to electronic materials seized, police found T-Shirts of both InJekt Division and the National Revival Movement, two obscure Telegram channels which as user “Korb Taran” Blevins participated in and was the self proclaimed “Clerical Fascist” president of the former. InJekt Division’s version of Clerical Fascism as Blevins outlines closely aligns with Christian Identity, and believes that Jewish people are descendants of Satan and advocates for a specifically Christian theocratic form of fascism. Since his arrest and the apparent arrest of an unidentified associate “Remco” the Neo-Nazi terrorist group Fuererkrieg Division has released “Free Korb” and “Free Remco” propaganda which has been reblogged by InJekt Division.
Seized firearms, ammunition, and Nazi paraphernalia from Coleman Thomas Blevins residence. On the right are T-shirts of InJekt Division and the National Partisan Movement/National Revival Movement.“Free Korb” propaganda circulating Telegram. The neo-Nazi terror group has likewise shared “Free Korb” propaganda.
Within InJekt Division, Blevins and the other participants formulated a COVID vaccine influenced brand of accelerationism inspired by an emphasis on sobriety, “fedposting”, and a crude and perverted white supremacist appropriation of Islam. With the InJekt channel created on February 1st, 2021, InJekt along with a network of smaller chats: JihadWaffen Division/MuslimWaffen, the National Revival Movement, the National Partisan Movement, Cult 1488, and AngelWaffen Crew all traded members with each group averaging only roughly 200 members. Apparently drawing energy via the recent San Jose mass shooting which left 9 dead, as well as the cynical appropriation and hijacking of the energy from the Palestinian solidarity movement, InJekt Division and its members pose a serious threat.
Despite having roughly 240 subscribers on telegram, InJekt has significantly less “named” official members or “shieldholders” with around 12-15 members claimed with a loose surrounding of “friends” and associates. Via voice chat discussions, encouraged “fedposting” and raids on other servers InJekt hoped to grow its ranks. Blevins claims the three main functions InJekt Division serves is as a propaganda outlet, record label, and as a white supremacist alternative to the twelve-step program. With Blevins posting before his arrest, “Good morning. I don’t have a gun. I’m grooming you for terrorism. This is a suicide cult because I hate most of my friends, but for the ones I like this a doomsday cult. Allahu Akbar. I once shot up a banana because I had a potassium deficiency. I hate love and I love hate. I don’t have a gun . Goodmorning. (sic)”, it is clear that these telegram groups serve to groom and push its largely “Gen Z” membership to acts of accelerationist violence up to and including mass shootings and with strong influence from the Iron March Neo-Nazi forum as well as AtomWaffen Division. With National Revival Movement having a much more sparse internet presence it does appear possible that as a Texas resident (and due to his possession of the CSA Battle Flag) Blevins was a member of the NRM “Dixie Cell”, however the structure and framing of this and other telegram groups he participated in seem largely played up for recruitment and grooming/stochastic purposes. The first message of the channel stated “InJekt Division is headed by the the highly exclusive ⚡️⚡️hock Waffen Twins inner circle. We aim to strictly enforce group cohesion. All the infighting that typically plagues other groups will be directed outwards to Z.O.G.”, due to photographic content posted to the channel it appears that Belvins was one of the “ShockWaffen Twins” with the other unidentified member being the second official member or “shieldholder”. The group has likewise associated itself with the youth led “National Partisan Movement” and claims the NPM is their “greatest ally”. It is likely the two are organizationally connected and the division of groups is more optical than anything else, meant to cover all bases for recruitment as Blevins has appeared alongside “Panther” of NPM in an interview.
Blevins likewise made frequent reference to Operation “Sink the Boat” which he claimed had clandestine aspects associated and was to be carried out by the inner circle of the Shock Waffen Twins, potentially including the unidentified associate “Remco”.
“Temple ov Blood” imagery along with a karambit and bayonet style knife posted to Welker’s Facebook alongside a NSBM cd. TOB is heavily associated with the neo-Nazi satanist ideology “Order of Nine Angles”.
Welker posing in front of “5150” written in what appears to be blood. Evidence indicates that following or preceding this event Welker stayed at the Julian Street Inn halfway house (546 W Julian St, San Jose, CA).
Welker exhibiting poor trigger discipline on his “Nazi Walther P38. Originally owned by a German Officer with the last name of Brakhag.”
With its sparse membership recruited online and allegedly covering national and international territory, InJekt Division’s third official member and network head, Nicholas Hazen Welker (30) of San Jose, CA is of significant importance to understanding the operation of the group. As an Order of Nine Angles infiltrator into the group, which presents as an accelerationist form of Clerical fascism, Welker appears to have done much work in recruitment and in connecting the group to other fascist networks. As Blevin’s wrote on February 6th, five days after the channel’s creation, “Shout out to our networking guy, @King_ov_Wrath welcome aboard. You’ve been instrumental in getting this and several other projects off the ground. Appreciate your work” and thirteen days later, “Secondary shoutout to our networking official Wrath. He’s got his grimy little fingers into extremism all over the internet. Without those leprosy ridden fingas, InJekt Division would not exist in any capacity today. Catch him at the next faggot EDM festival. We’ll be working the ‘fog machine’ if you catch my drift. Our stage name is gonna be Zyklon Bizzle88 uWu (sic).” Welker also runs his own telegram channel as “KingOv VVrath” which is much smaller and Right Wing Death Squad or RWDS themed, although it will not be named. On his personal channel Welker has posted propaganda for AtomWaffen Division, Fueurkrieg Division, Sonnenkrieg Division, The Base, as well as propaganda from O9A and Vic Mackey aka Andrew Richard Casarez’s informal group “The Bowl Patrol,” a group that idolizes white supremacist mass shooter Dylann Roof. Casarez lives in Orangevale, CA.
Welker poses in a Telegram post wearing a shirt of American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell. Tattoos on Welker’s arms and knuckle confirm his identity.09A and Bowl Patrol branded propaganda posted to Welker’s personal telegram.More propaganda posted to Welker’s personal Telegram featuring Charles Manson and a Sonnenrad.One of many instances of Welker sharing AtomWaffen Division propaganda. In addition he also has shared propaganda and literature from Sonnenkrieg Division, Fuererkrieg Divison, Iron March, and Fascist Forge among others.
Welker’s tattoos further confirm his identity. Welker posted the photo directly above following the start of rehab. Blevins stated in an interview that InJekt Division is a national socialist alternative to the twelve-step program in addition to being a record label and propaganda outlet.
Identified as Nicholas Hazen Welker of the South Bay area, most recently residing with his mother at 1625 Sunnyvale Saratoga Rd, Sunnyvale, CA, 94087 (roughly twenty feet from an ages 5-9 playground), Welker appears to be a key member in connecting InJekt Division to various other accelerationist groups. With a criminal record of around twelve/thirteen arrests spanning domestic violence (which it appears he received a restraining order for), drug possession, various parole violations, and assault with a deadly weapon, it appears that Welker has connections with white supremacist prison gangs, hashtagging Tumblr posts as “#wood” a reference to the Peckerwoods and likewise having tattoos associated with white supremacist prison gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood (a spider web between his thumb and forefinger, an iron cross prison tattoo, and a Thule Society/Thule-Gesellschaft Völkisch style swastika on his right shin). Welker likewise has flashed a white power hand sign associated with Peckerwoods and California White Power gangs.
A since deleted photo of Welker posing in front of a Reichskrieg flag similar to Blevins with a AtomWaffen Division branded copy of James Mason’s SIEGE, wearing an InJekt Division shirt. His spiderweb and iron cross tattoo similarly suggest a background in white power prison gangs and the racist skinhead subculture.Image of a white power SS patch. Hashtagged beneath it are references to Peckerwoods and 23/16 or “WP = White Power/Pride” a common dogwhistle used by West Coast racist skinhead gangs.
Welker flashes a “W” handsign associated with West Coast racist skinheads and white supremacist prison gangs.
With a heavy internet presence and a friends list spanning numerous other accelerationists and racist skinheads as well as National Socialist Black Metal fans it appears that Welker is active in fascist creep in sub-cultural areas online and in the Bay Area – specifically the South Side of San Jose and Greater San Jose area (Welker has geo-tagged locations in South San Jose, Campbell, and Santa Teresa). A fan of NSBM, photos of Welker show him wearing T-shirts of Burzum and Marduk, paling around with similar self-styled boneheads, as well as complaining about antifascists shutting down a planned Marduk concert in Oakland. Welker’s long internet history and presence show a heavy involvement in the local metal/noise scene as well as a championing of white supremacist and explicitly Neo-Nazi beliefs and symbology with reblogged propaganda from the Iron March and more recent Fascist Forge forum (as well as several others which will be left unnamed), Order of Nine Angles, Temple ov Blood, and a since deleted but archived photo of Welker in front of a Reichskrieg flag similar to Blevins holding a copy of James Mason’s SIEGE posted to his Facebook. In the photo Welker is wearing a AtomWaffen style-skullmask and the edition of SIEGE is “bloodsplatted” in a similar manner to AWD propaganda. Numerous posts suggest that Welker is active on Neo-Nazi SIEGE style forums. Despite his numerous convictions and an involuntary commitment to a mental institution resulting in his stay at the Julian Street Inn halfway house, it appears that Welker is armed, with him posting a photo of an original German walther that he proudly proclaims belonged to a German officer. On another smaller personal telegram channel Welker shared field guides on starting a militia unit, as well as field manuals/guides from various paramilitary Neo-Nazi groups. Additional posts to his tumblr demonstrate a fascination with sexual violence and an aesthetization of “snuff” style content as well as slasher films. Welker has also shared footage of the 2019 Christchurch mass shooting.
Image uploaded to Welker’s Facebook featuring the logo of AtomWaffen Division as well as a Valknut.Welker holding a copy an Order of Nine Angles publication while wearing a Burzum T-shirt with a Leben-rune.Propaganda from the neo-Nazi paramilitary terror group “The Base” posted to Welker’s personal telegram.
Welker has additionally gone by the personas of “crackerNASTY” and “NASTYxNICKY,” and “✠Oskar Mödr✠” prior to his involvement with O9A and InJekt Division and is a member of the “GoreNoise/Pornogrind” band SxSxOxTxCxPxBxAxOx as “Skūllfûccër” whose unabbreviated name will not be shared. Described on their account as “Originally a one man gorenoise project from Sweden created by Ivar, as of March 2017, Skūllfûccër joined and performs voxxx.”, the band is signed to the Gore Infested Record Label. As InJekt Division’s secondary function is to serve as a record label as well as Welker’s own posting on his personal channel it appears that he is especially active in the O9A/SIEGE music scene on telegram.
Welker wearing a “No Lives Matter” T-shirt. Within chats he exhibited specific violent anti-Black hatred.Welker wearing a Marduk t-shirt dressed more inconspicuously near a Santa Teresa transit stop. The above images appear to be how he dresses when he is out and about.Welker showing off his Mortician shirt while 5150’d. He bragged to his social media following that he menaced other patients.
While Welker’s presence as a Satanist in an Clerical Fascist lead group may be confusing, it appears that Blevins sought to recruit from all white supremacist friendly religious tendencies of the movement despite the O9A doctrine to essentially hijack these groups for their own satanic or “Magian” benefit. Users in the InJekt chat frequently derided and spoke violently towards satanists and it is unclear if Blevins and Welker were transparent with the rest of the membership about the inclusion of O9A adherents. On May 4th Blevins wrote, “Just because someone wears a siege mask and a swastika does it mean they have any rightful place in the movement. The constituency of Nazi Hogwarts (things like O9A and TOB) are traitors. They deify degeneracy, they worship rape and fecal matter. It’s a psyop used to discredit those of us who truly carry on the torch of Western Civilization.” On a person telegram channel mentioned above, Welker shared an meme depicting bestiality and captioned it “Korb’s splinter group”, suggesting his O9A infiltration was causing friction within the group.
Welker posing with his mother near Santa Teresa Theatre.
On his Facebook Welker lists his most recent occupation as the Goodwill of Silicon Valley and claims to have gone to Highschool at Lynbrook and Homestead High and studied at De Anza College. He is single.
Because he is armed, has a history of violence and abuse and associates with other known violent groups and individuals, and because he has networked consistently within various online fascist entities and music subcultures we feel that Welker is a person of note among fascists in the Bay Area and the community should be warned of his presence.
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