Hang Up Your Boots: Aging Bonehead Jonathan Scott Court Attempting To Use NorCal Active Club, WLM CA as Golden State Skinheads Feeder Groups.

Many turn to the white nationalist movement hoping for community, a sense of identity and brotherhood. Father and newlywed Jon Court seems to have been so caught up in the white supremacist movement he neglected his family’s basic safety and set their home on fire.

This is our third article covering NorCal Active Club, a self-styled Neo-Nazi fight club attempting to gain a foothold in the region. In our first article we outlined some of the group’s connections to the Goyim Defense League, White Lives Matter, and Patriot Front as well as the organizing work of Harley Ray Petero Jr. of Modesto, CA and his wife Haley Phillips-Petero. In our second article we covered NorCal Active Club member and “raver nazi” currently employed at a human resources/payroll firm, Martin J. Wenzel. In this article we will bring new information to light concerning Jonathan Scott Court, a longtime member of Golden State Skinheads – a group of boneheads (nazi skinheads) responsible for the 2016 stabbing of seven anti-racist protestors at the counter protest to a Traditionalist Workers Party rally in Sacramento.

Who is Jonathan Court, and who are the Golden State Skinheads (GSS)?

Convicted spousal abuser and GSS member Derik Ryan Punneo poses with racist murderer Jeremy Wayne Jones.

Court was a relatively early member of WLM CA, joining around February 2022. Coinciding with GSS President Michael Allen Sessumes moving back to California, there seems to be an uptick in GSS activity statewide. Golden State Skinheads, occasionally referred to as Golden State Solidarity, is a white supremacist group of openly neo-nazi boneheads who have historically recruited through California prison yards, Stormfront (a web forum for dedicated white nationalist bigots), and through RAC (Rock Against Communism) shows, as well as more dressed-up suit and tie Nazi events like American Freedom Party’s conferences.

Court, Sessumes, and Nathan Lowry were all reported as being connected to the Church of Aryanity and the newer bonehead crew it produced as its “Southwest Commandry” Crew 562, now know as Clockwork Crew. Clockwork Crew, at least for a time, had adherents to The Church of Aryanity – an esoteric Klan-style fusion of Christian Identity with Odinist paganism. Founded by a former Traditionalist Workers Party member, Aaron Chapman of Tennessee (also a member of the Kentucky Thoroughbreds Active Club), California Clockwork Crew initially networked with WLM CA SoCal and SoCal Active Club, and was formed by active duty lance corporal Mohammed Wadaa and Nathan Daniel Large of Walnut Creek. Golden State Skinheads additionally have ties to the West Coast Firm Hammerskins, and their feeder group Crew 38, with both Evergreen Active Club and SoCal Active Club openly repping connections to the bonehead gang.

Photo of Court from some years back being an attention-seeking failure of a man outside the Hayward NAACP office.

Court has admitted in Clockwork Crew chats that he only saw WLM CA and NorCal Active Club as a potential GSS and Clockwork Crew feeder group. With connections to regional Hammerskins and a long history of dumbass bonehead stunts (see above pic), it makes sense that Court would buck up against WLM leadership and try to recruit for his crew of white pride-addled spousal abusers. This mirrors advances made by William Scott Planner (also of GSS) to recruit and build out of Patriot Front in Colorado, and the gradual movement of networked boneheads into the whites-only Asatru Folk Assembly. Asatru seems to have it out for Court and Sessumes after Sessumes helped form the Raven Folk United Kindred in response to the Asatru Folk Assembly seemingly harboring a known sex offender, as well as an incident at Odinshof (the group’s “temple” in Brownsville, CA), in which bonehead members of the church couldn’t hold their liquor and went a little more mask off neo-nazi than the church likes to pretend to be.

Jonathan Court (Darth Hater) in Clockwork Crew Telegram vetting chat, describing WLM CA as “they’re not skin material”
“Darth Hater” (Jon Court) bickers with Central CA Active Club founder and fellow WLM CA member Juan Cadavid, over how bad their banners look
Court and Ben Daley’s ex-girlfriend Amber Brittany Ciarollo “Astro Fash” make fun of the founders of the Rise Above Movement, the group the Active Club model came from

Local and Regional Activity

Court has been seen at NorCal Active Club’s surveillance attempt of the Trans Day of Rage counter-protest to “De-transition Awareness Day” at the Sacramento Capitol. Court has also been identified as admin of a now-private Golden State Skinheads Telegram channel, and regularly attends NorCal Active Club meets, pushing for the GSS flag to be held alongside the NCAC flag. Interestingly enough, on one recent meet, in which regional Patriot Front members met with NorCal Active Club and WLM, Patriot Front deemed the GSS banner to be “bad optics” and left it out of their published propaganda for the day. This escalation toward the inclusion of Nazi sonnenrads or “black suns” and skullmask aesthetics seems to go against the early WLM handbook strategy Court and his WLM CA peers adopted and tried to stick with for some time. Outside of WLM and NorCal Active Club organizing, Court has also recently participated in at least two banner drops in the Castro Valley area, one espousing antisemitic conspiracy theories and another coordinated with Golden State Skinheads, whose name was featured on the banner. With a membership of much younger men, some in their mid-twenties, Court has attempted to act as an unlikely authority figure within the group. While he consistently projects about LGBTQ “grooming”, he seems to enjoy spending a considerable amount of time with very young men, far away from and seemingly neglecting (literally torching) the home he shares with his newly betrothed wife and kids. So much for the fourteen words, eh?

Jonathan Court posting as admin on the GSS channel after he took part in a antisemitic banner drop over a Lafayette overpass.
Court seemingly shilling GSS merch at a NorCal Active Club meet

“South Bay Asatru” and Move to Raven Folk United Kindred

Before he joined WLM and later NorCal Active Club, Jon Court’s spiritual and political home outside of the Golden State Skinheads was the Asatru Folk Assembly – the SPLC-designated “Neo-Volkisch” hate group and “whites only” pagan church operating out of Brownsville, CA. Acting as a retirement home for washed up boneheads in the NorCal region, the Asatru Folk Assembly operates based on an ahistorical and largely inaccurate mishmash of widely disparate Northern European spiritual traditions and a tight-knit “back to the land” traditionalist pagan community where white supremacists can live and pray in harmony with thinly veiled new age bigots. However, by 2023 Court had migrated away from Asatru to Raven Folk United following a scandal in which Asatru leader Matthew Flavel was called out by his detractors for blatantly harboring a known sex offender within the ranks of the church. In an attempt to break away from the bad optics of the Asatru Folk Assembly, Raven Folk United defines itself as an even dorkier racist pagan organization organized around Michael Sessumes and his former allies within the church, and now boasts Blood Tribe founder Christopher Pohlhaus within its ranks.

Golden State Skinheads and Hammerskin Nation affiliates pose for a photo outside of Odinshof (8408 La Porte Rd Brownsville, CA 95919)
Court and Connor Norris (right: see addendum at end of article for more), the then-Asatru Folk Assembly Apprentice “Folkbuilder” for the Bay Area, at an Asatru “Moot” at Ludwig’s German Table in San Jose.
An Asatru Folk Assembly parody telegram channel pretending to be Raven Folk United posted screenshots of Jon Court sending threats to the Asatru Folk Assembly after the two organizations split.
Raven Folk United urges their followers to donate to Jon Court’s “Catastrophic Home Fire Fund”

Area Nazi Burns Own House Down, Tries to Get White Supremacist Plumbing Business to Take Off

Interestingly, Court maintains and frequents two residences in both Castro Valley and Livermore, one of which he appears to have burnt down. Court owns and operates Vinland Plumbing out of Livermore and also appears to be employed with Harry Clark Plumbing of Oakland. Court also has a badly aging plumbing business advertisement visible on his truck, going by ‘Jonny Scooter” with the logo of a white supremacist Celtic cross.

Golden State Boneheads in East Castro Valley

Court’s best men at his wedding to Lauren Hanson in Tracy, CA

It is of additional note that Court’s Castro Valley place is only about a half mile away from fellow Golden State Skinheads member James McFly, a regional bonehead who is in the decal business and who was outed as having ties to consistently bonehead-adjacent MAGA “activist” Lindsay Grathwohl. Fly’s residence has also hosted Sean Michael Wurzburg, a former Hayward GSS bonehead who was partially responsible for the 2016 stabbings in Sacramento. Parents of children who attend the nearby Marshall Elementary School, Castro Valley High School and nearby residents should be alerted to Golden State Skinhead activity in East Castro Valley and Livermore.

A “non-biased” review of Vinland Plumbing from Anita Marie Tressler (wife of Phillip Theriault, pictured above at Court’s wedding)

Jonathan Scott Court (DOB: 2/15/1985)

Court showing off his weak guard at the Asatru Folk Assembly hof in Brownsville.

Spouse: Lauren Hanson

Aliases: Jon Blood, Johnny McBlood, Jonny Scooter, Darth Hater, Andy Zemite

Addresses: 3819 East Ave Apt #30, Livermore, CA 94550, 19559 Center St, Castro Valley, CA 94546

Occupation: Vinland Plumbing Livermore, CA Lic.#1100939. Harry Clarke Plumbing & Sewer 3026 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94611

Vehicles: Blue Dodge Dakota Sport Pickup 7B58992
White Chevrolet Harry Clark Work Van 05566H2
White Hyundai Accent Sedan 8MAV072

James Fly

James Fly

Address: 5034 Rahlves Dr Castro Valley, CA 94546

Vehicles: Navy Ram 1500 Pickup 6B14533 (Decal “FLY” on front window, brass knuckles on side)
Blue-Grey Ram Dakota Pickup 8D59290 (Fly Decal on back w/ Phone #, “Rebel” on front window, “DOEZ” on back, Disability Tags R240418)

Occupation: Owner @ Fly Decal

Connor Patrick Norris

Address: 1478 Mount Diablo Ave, Milpitas, CA 95035

Vehicle: Red Chevrolet Avalanche 97828E3 (Metal Gear Solid “Foxhound” decal on back)

Occupation: Employee at Trader Joe’s Milpitas

Previously listed as an Apprentice Folkbuilder for the Asatru Folk Assembly and later oathed in by Steven McNallen as a Folkbuilder, Norris moved from Vancouver, WA to Milpitas, CA and quickly got involved in running “South Bay Asatru” a meet up group that went for several meets around St. James Park, San Jose in 2022. Previous to his move down from the PNW, Norris was a member of the Acsafolc Kindred of the PNW Wolfpack (a neo-volkisch group with serious overlap with the Washington-based Hakenkreuz Skinheads) and later the Nordevestri Kindred of the Asatru Folk Assembly, a regional affiliate of the PNW Wolfpack. Social media account history shows Norris as both a 4chan /k/ (weapons) board user, and an adherent of the proto-nazi Wandervogel concept of a Mannerbund (“alliance of men”), regularly meeting with a “men’s group” of right wing cosplayers in the PNW. Norris is heavily involved in the cosplay scene, and is a regular at the Sacramento Anime Convention, Anaheim Comic Con, and was previously a host of the MarvelTalkCast podcast. While navigating culturally liberal spaces like his workplace Trader Joe’s it is apparent that he is actively disingenuous to coworkers and peers about his position within the white nationalist movement and his white separatist religious views.

Please send any and all tips regarding Jonathan Scott Court or the Golden State Skinheads, the Asatru Folk Assembly, Raven Folk United, NorCal Active Club, and White Lives Matter CA to bay161 [@] riseup [dot] net.

For more information on Jonathan Court and James Fly please refer to Northern California Anti-Racist Action’s previous reporting on Golden State Skinheads.

Morgan Hill Nazi Raver, Martin J. Wenzel member of “White Lives Matter – CA” and “NorCal Active Club”

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Sacramento Children’s Museum (06/24/23).

On June 24, 2023 a group of roughly 15 neo-nazis, consisting of a members of the Sacramento Proud Boys, Patriot Front, White Lives Matter CA, and NorCal Active Club, harassed a children’s pride event at the Sacramento Children’s Museum. Present with the group was recently exposed Modesto neo-nazi Harley Ray Petero Jr., neo-nazi Proud Boy Jeffrey Erik Perrine, and Bay Area Patriot Front member Ryan Sundberg. Also in attendance was Martin Jens Wenzel of Morgan Hill, a member of White Lives Matter CA and NorCal Active Club, who we’ll be getting to know a little better in this article.

For more background on White Lives Matter CA in Northern California please refer first to our previous article on Harley Ray Petero Jr., as well as Borwin10’s recent work detailing both Jeffrey Erik Perrine and neo-nazi bomb maker Joshua Isgrigg. For background on the Active Club movement in general please refer to Stumptown Research Collective’s excellent work outlining Evergreen Active Club in Washington State.

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Sacramento Children’s Museum (06/24/23).

Martin J. Wenzel: White Lives Matter CA’s “Cali Kaiser”

Martin J. Wenzel first appeared on antifascists’ radar following WLM’s October 2022 “Day of Action,” where, in protest of Meta’s decision to ban the hate group’s Instagram account, about seven members did a banner drop on a nearby overpass and then posed in front of the 1 Hacker Way sign. Wenzel stuck out, wearing a Rhodesian Brushstroke camouflage gator mask, which he would again wear at the January 22nd 2023 Walk for Life in San Francisco, where WLM CA were confronted by pro-choice counter-protestors.

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Martin J. Wenzel pictured wearing a Rhodesian Brushstroke gator mask outside of Meta Headquarters at 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park (WLM CA’s August 2022 “Day of Action”).

Rhodesian Brushstroke is the camouflage pattern of the former Rhodesian Security Forces, an explicitly white-supremacist colonial military that once occupied present-day Zimbabwe. Today’s white nationalists look to Rhodesia as an example of realized white nationalism, and idealize the Rhodesian Security Forces for their bush fighting tactics, gunsmithing abilities, and their symbolism as anti-communist lost-cause fighters. Recent pro-Rhodesia sentiment is most infamously associated with white nationalist mass shooter Dylann Roof, who went by “The Last Rhodesian” on his website and similarly titled his manifesto, before murdering nine members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in hopes to start a race war. Recently on August 26 of this year, Jacksonville gunman Ryan Palmeter left behind white supremacist messages and murdered three Black people at a nearby Dollar General, wearing a Rhodesian army patch on his tactical vest. Wenzel himself appears to have traveled to South Africa while studying at Mt. Madonna High School, making his affinity for a symbol of militarized white nationalism, apartheid, and white-minority rule all the more damning.

White nationalist mass shooter Dylann Roof pictured with apartheid South Africa and Rhodesian flag patches.
Example of Rhodesian Brushstroke Camouflage
Martin J. Wenzel wearing the same Rhodesian gator mask as in WLM propaganda uploaded to his personal instagram @wenzel_pretzel.
Backpack visible in WLM propaganda video of their attendance at the 2023 SF Walk For Life (01/22/23).
@wenzel_pretzel post with same backpack
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Wenzel throwing a Nazi salute with other members of NorCal Active Club during a WLM outing.
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Wenzel connecting a potential WLM CA applicant to the Southern California WLM group for vetting.

Meet the Wenzels: Morgan Hill’s German-American White Nationalist Family

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(Left to Right) Nicholas, Silke, and Martin Wenzel.

In other white supremacist chats on telegram, Wenzel has consistently stated that his family is supportive of his neo-nazi beliefs, commenting “Going back to visit Germany every couple years, the demographic changes are so striking. In my fam we pretty much all agree these migrants have to go. Just nobody wants to talk openly about how that’s gonna happen. Quite the pickle”. Martin’s brother Nicholas Wenzel also appears to be influenced by his brothers politics and social media account history shows him liking and interacting with Neo-traditionalist and other far-right content. Both Nicholas and Martin recently purchased a house in Boise, Idaho a territory white nationalists see as the American Redoubt or as part of the Northwest Territorial Imperative. The Wenzel brother’s home was previously owned by Sam Wenzel of Boise Rental Properties LLC, a family member who also appears to have also worked for Martin’s employer PrimePay and SyncHR by Primepay a “Human Capital Management” company.

“Going back to visit Germany every couple years, the demographic changes are so striking. In my fam we pretty much all agree these migrants have to go.” – Martin Wenzel

PLUR Means Raver Nazis Not Welcome

“PLUR” is a set of principles associated with rave subculture. An ideology to some, a form of community agreements to others, PLUR originated out of the 1990s nightlife and rave scene and stands for:

P. – Peace
L. – Love
U. – Unity
R. – Respect

Essentially, the agreement can be summed up as: don’t bring conflict and negativity into rave spaces, engage in goodwill with others, welcome others into the environment and shared space regardless of personal differences, and show sensitivity and tolerance towards others. As a member of multiple white nationalist hate groups, Wenzel’s behavior flies directly in the face of this principle he supports in name, and claims he “redpills when (he) can”, nudging members of his social group in the direction of neo-nazi ideas. Wenzel is also involved in mycology and a weed growing subculture, as well as backpacking, surfing, and trail running. He is likely armed.

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“I redpill as much as I can (…) we need the guidance to bring normies into the fold”
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Post made by Wenzel of his PLUR type rave bracelets
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While NorCal Active Club occasionally works with Patriot Front it doesn’t seem like Martin is “Rejecting Poison” here.
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As a member of the white supremacist groups WLM CA and NorCal Active Club, Martin J. Wenzel’s identity as “Cali Kaiser” is of public interest. Due to his enthusiastic identification with Rhodesia’s militarized white nationalism and explicit nazism as a German-American, and his direct connection via WLM to members of Patriot Front and Golden State Skinheads, residents of Morgan Hill and Santa Clara County as well as Boise, ID should made aware of his regional organizing and activity. An employee at PrimePay, a company specializing in payroll, benefits, and HR solutions, it is not difficult to see how Wenzel’s embrace of explicitly Nazism could lead to workplace discrimination.

Martin Jens Wenzel

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DOB: 04/22/96

Address: 16814 Hill Top Ct. Morgan Hill, CA, 7747 W Middle Fork St Boise, Id 83709

Twitter: @cali_kaiser

Instagram: @wenzel_pretzel

Occupation: Emerging Market HCM Consultant at PrimePay

7747 W Middle Fork St Boise, Id 83709 – Home recently purchased by Nicholas and Martin Wenzel.

Please send any further tips about Martin Jens Wenzel, WLM CA, NorCal Active Club, or the Wenzel family to bay161(at)riseup(dot)net

Change Your Life for the Better in 2023: Leave the White Nationalist Movement

A belated (yet timely) new years post gratefully lifted from Atlanta Antifascists and Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists

Some advice for the new year: if you want this year to be better than 2022 was, then you need to make a permanent break with the fascist movement. The fascist movement is not one you want to be associated with, and the consequences are often life-ruining. Even if you make it to the top of a far-Right group, you are not protected from job loss and your career being destroyed. Your organization can also fall apart leaving you alone to face the consequences.

There are, however, options to leave the white power movement. Contrary to the established mythology around “red-pilling”, people leave all the time, both publicly and privately. There are even networks in place that can help you exit the movement – let us know if you need help establishing contact with them. Merely saying you are no longer a racist or fascist while still organizing and associating with your fascist pals is not acceptable. We will know if you are insincere.

Because our priority is countering active white supremacists, Atlanta Antifascists will not go after you for your past. If it’s clear that you’ve left white nationalism behind, we’ll leave you alone. Just send us an email with an account of your time in the movement as a token of good faith/sincerity (what you’ve done, with what organizations, etc.), be ready to answer some follow-up questions, and make clear in your actions going forward that you’ve left white nationalism behind. We can’t speak for anyone else you may have harmed, but we don’t get in the way of people trying to do better by themselves and others.

Let 2023 be a year of turning your life around. Reach out for help leaving the fascist movement if you think you need it. If you’re in our region, send us a message to let us know about your choice. We look forward to hearing from you.

Ian Donald Kearns of Martinez, CA – White Supremacist Proud Boy identified as one of San Lorenzo Drag Queen Story Time Harassers

Ian Donald Kearns disrupting Drag Queen Story Hour at the San Lorenzo Library

On June 11th, about a dozen Proud Boys and sympathizers stormed the San Lorenzo Drag Queen Story Hour hosted by the library and featuring local drag artist Panda Dulce. Proud Boys gathered outside before storming the event, screaming slurs and verbally harassing performers, library staff and parents attending the event with their children, with the goal of shutting down the event and intimidating parents into disavowing drag and by proxy LGBTQ visibility. After disrupting the event and being told they would be charged with trespassing, Proud Boys exited the facility, shook hands with the Police outside, and continued their harassment with an outdoor megaphone rally. One Bay Area Proud Boy prominently photographed and circulated on social media wearing a t-shirt reading “Kill Your Local Pedophile” is Martinez, CA white supremacist Ian Donald Kearns.

Kearns posting openly white supremacist content.

Kearns sharing meme with imagery associated with neo-nazi Christopher Pohlhaus’s “Hammerwaffen” telegram following, that mocks the police murder of George Floyd.

On the alt-tech platform Gab Ian Kearns goes by “@MyWhiteLifeMatters” and shares openly segregationist pro-KKK and neo-nazi content expressing general hatred against anyone not straight, cisgender, white, Christian, and aligned with his neo-fascist worldview. 

A small selection of Ian Kearns hateful gab comment history laced with slurs, fantasies about murdering Black people, frequent expressed belief in neo-nazi conspiracies and hatred of queer people.

The Free Press Project (@FreePressProj) was quick to point out that Kearns was a fixture at the Lafayette El Curtola overpass Trump rallies over the course of several months, where he attempted to intimidate a local student journalist for The Diablo Valley College Inquirer, and was noticeably violent. Kearns appears in various photographs over the course of the El Curtola protests and appears to have been involved in the behind the scenes organization of various similar overpass rallies and flag waves in Contra Costa and Alameda county.

Ian Kearns at the El Curtola Overpass, Lafayette (Unknown Date, 202

Kearns attending an El Curtola overpass rally afterparty with event organizers. (Unknown Date, 2021)

Kearns advertising “Recall Gavin Newsom” flag waves from his explicitly white supremacist gab account.

Kearns was also an attendee of the Santa Rosa “Proud of Your Baby” Planned Parenthood harassment rally organized by the Bay Area Proud Boys that coincided with a twin San Jose rally which featured Straight Pride organizer and Constitution Party of California figurehead Donald James Grundmann. Kearns was also spotted at a recent Proud Boy disruption of a local Davis school board meeting over mask mandates, accompanying Sacramento Proud Boys like arms dealer and closeted nazi Brandon Revering and Placerville “Hangtown” Proud Boys. Attendees of the school board meetings noted Proud Boys screamed slurs, praised National Socialism (Nazism), flashed white supremacist hand gestures, and harassed people leaving the meeting outside.

Kearns (center-right with the USMC flag) accompanies North Bay Proud Boy leader Richard Kenneth Lewis Jr.  (wearing the ill fitted skullmask) to go harass a closed Planned Parenthood in Santa Rosa.

Kearns (furthest to the right) photographed at a Davis school board meeting.

Kearns (second to the left on his phone with the Bay Area Proud Boys flag) at a SoCal “Babies Lives Matter” event that drew other NorCal Proud Boys

Ian Donald Kearns seems intent to continue his anti-LGBTQ and racist harassment, his attendance at events including Planned Parenthood harassment, local school board intimidation as well as threatening drag artists and parents taking their children to a library storytime event, shows he is committed to materializing his fascist politics through violence (which he anonymously fantasizes about constantly on online racist cesspools such as Gab). These are the same tactics fascists have employed since Mussolini’s blackshirted squadristi, yet instead of crushing labor unions local Proud Boys are attempting to shut down local access to reproductive and gender affirming healthcare. With their attempts to physically repress drag culture, and by proxy the entirety of LGBTQ+ existence from positions of visibility, they are hoping to turn parents against drag and push potentially questioning children back into the closet. For the stated reasons above, we believe that the various communities Ian Donald Kearns regularly targets and harasses should be alerted to his identity, so as to impede his ability to engage in organized hate in the future.

We ask that Martinez residents as well as Bay Area residents in general alert their neighbors and communities to Ian Donald Kearns and the Bay Area Proud Boys. Wherever they go we go, support and defend your local Drag and LGBTQ+ events and spaces.

Address: 188 Village Pl Martinez, CA 

Tattoos and Identifying Features:

About 6’1″, heavyset. Flaming shamrock tattoo with a celtic knot bracelet bordering it on his right forearm, a Claddagh ring tattoo and a similar crest style tattoo on his left upper arm. Often sceen with a pvc flagpole wearing his red USMC t-shirt and Oakley style sunglasses.

Most Recent Employment: Kearns has posted describing himself as a full-time student veteran enrolled in Martinez Adult Education, and listed work at the local Martinez VA Health Care Systems as his most recent employment.

Vehicle: White Volkswagen Jetta, CA Plate #80756 DV. Various USMC, anti-Biden, and anti-immigrant bumper stickers on the rear window

Please send any and all information regarding Ian Donald Kearns, the Bay Area Proud Boys, and any other local fascists and white supremacists to bay161[@]riseup[dot]com

UPDATE: Oakland TPUSA President Cheyenne Kenney daughter of local “hate rock” band leaders and Proud Boy Associates Travis & Liza Kenney running for State Assembly (District 18)

For our previous reporting on Hammerlock, an Oakland-based Rock Against Communism (RAC) band, and their ties to the Proud Boys and American Guard please click the link here.

Cheyenne Kenney, daughter of Liza and Travis Kenney, is running for California State Assembly in the 18th District (Alameda, Emeryville, Oakland) on a platform of “protection of kids, medical freedom, gas power, and safer streets,” with a cringe-worthy campaign slogan of “Don’t bip our future.” This comes as a departure from the family’s previously more explicit associations with fascist groups like the Proud Boys, American Guard, and Atlantic City Skinheads, and can be seen as an attempt by the Kenney family to mainstream their brand of crypto-fascism into the increasingly far-right GOP. It appears that they hope Cheyenne won’t be as burdened by their explicit connections to organized white supremacy. In recent years, both Liza and Travis Kenney have backed Cheyenne’s leadership of the TPUSA Oakland Activism Hub, her involvement in transphobic anti-vaxx group Bay Area Against Mandates, and now her involvement in the Berkeley College Republicans.

Cheyenne’s campaign is heavily based on capitalizing on the current trans panic. Notable endorsements include TERF-adjacent groups such as Mom Army and Dad Army, as well as Leave Our Kids Alone. Leave Our Kids Alone (LOKA), led by Manuk Grigoryan, has made news following a series of violent rallies targeting Glendale area schools and drag shows, featuring appearances by Proud Boy Adam Kiefer, and close friend of Grigoryan, neo-nazi Narek Palyan throwing several nazi salutes.

Narek Palyan seen throwing a nazi salute next to Cheyenne Kenney for State Assembly official campaign endorser Manuk Grigoryan

Kenney Family Connections to Organized Fascist Groups

Hammerlock, Travis and Liza Kenney’s band with drummer Mikey Kingshill is a mixture of RAC (“Rock Against Communism”) and Confederate Rock, and is the main vehicle of the Kenney family’s political organizing. Close friends with members of the nativist street fighting group, American Guard, the Kenney’s additionally have friends and supporters in the Proud Boys. At a Berkeley Trump rally heavily attended by Proud Boys (03/4/17), Travis Kenney sucker-punched an anti-racist protestor. Hammerlock was also invited to play at Fall Love Fest (10/16/21), a large Proud Boy rally in LA, but were no-shows despite several attendee’s wearing their RAC branded shirts. Another friend of the band is Joshua Croom Williamson, drummer for nazi band Aggravated Assault, and member of murderous NJ bonehead gang, Atlantic City Skinheads.

American Guard member Drew Smith of offering a venue for Cheyenne Kenney to play in Fresno. Family friend Ryan Ramsey of American Guard and the Bold City (Jacksonville, FL) Proud Boys comments as “Shut up and go do Proud Boy shit”.
Member of Atlantic City Skinheads and White Power band Aggravated Assault Joshua Croom Williamson posted to Hammerlock’s Instagram
Friend of Hammerlock Joshua Croom Williamson pictured here with the Confederate Hammerskin/Bonehead contingent at Unite the Right

Bay Area Against Mandates and Oakland TPUSA Activism Hub

Since the time of our initial article on Hammerlock, the Kenneys have involved themselves with the White Rose Society telegram group focusing on anti-communist conspiracies, anti-vaxx adovacy and covid denialism. Their family is also involved in Bay Area Against Mandates, a anti-vaxx group headed by Jackie Sarita of San Mateo, that has recently pivoted to anti-LGBTQ Drag Queen Story Time harassment (in Castro Valley and San Lorenzo). Alongside a member of the Bay Area Proud Boys, BAAM member and ex-CHP security consultant Spencer Noel Van Glahn, the Kenney (minus Cheyenne), Mikey Kingshill, and other members of BAAM attempted to force and intimidate their way into disrupting a children’s drag performance in San Lorenzo (06/11/23). Liza Kenney was one of the most aggressive protestors that day and attempted to enter the blocked off performance, and remarked on video that Cheyenne couldn’t be there that day because she was at a TPUSA event.

The Kenney Family at a Bay Area Against Mandates meeting alongside BAAM founder Jackie Sarita, BAAM Media Contact/Press David Reddy, and Spencer Van Glahn who were all present at the San Lorenzo Drag Disruption.
Cheyenne and Liza Kenney alongside de-transition advocate Chloe Cole at UC Berkeley.
Josh Fulfer‘s sister pulls a gun on protestors at the Chloe Cole headlined De-transition Awareness Day in Sacramento (03/10/23).
Travis Kenney with at AmFest with a TPUSA lanyard

Recent fixtures at the state capitol at anti-trans and TERF rallies outside the State Capitol, the Kenney family has attempted to mainstream Cheyenne as a conservative political organizer, mostly through her involvement in Berkeley College Republicans and Turing Point USA, of which she is the Oakland Activism Hub President. TPUSA is a 501(c)3 conservative advocacy group that has recently embraced Christian Nationalism, although the group has a long history of racist scandals (https://www.mediamatters.org/charlie-kirk/short-history-turning-point-usas-racism). Core to Kenney’s campaign is the concept of “parental rights” an anti-trans legislative concept that advocates detransition and denies children bodily autonomy. Cheyenne has also networked at the State Capitol with Erin Friday of the transphobic hate groups Our Duty and Parents for Ethical Care (PEC)

A fairly openly friend to fascists, Charlottesville attendees (Unite the Right), and boneheads (white power skinheads), the Kenney’s particular brand of Confederate Rock shares all the political ambitions of original RAC. Due to the stigma of organized hate, the Kenney family are attempting to mainstream a white supremacist and anti-LGBTQ political program into the California State Assembly behind the less notorious face of their home-schooled only child, Cheyenne Kenney. While Cheyenne’s campaign planks are completely out of touch with the average Oakland voter, the Kenney family are able to network through astroturfed GOP 501(c)3’s and far-right conservative student groups like Berkeley College Republicans and TPUSA Oakland. We believe this information is of public interest to residents of Alameda, Emeryville, and Oakland.

Cheyenne Kenney:

Instagram: @cheyenne4assembly, @hammerlock_rocknroll (parents), @tpusa_oakland, @eastoaklandmotorcycles (Hammerlock drummer Mikey Kingshill)

Address: 4100 Martin Luther King Jr Way – Oakland, CA 94609 (Hammerlock House), 1221 28th Street – Emeryville, CA (B.P. Psychos Clubhouse)

Please send any and all tips regard Hammerlock and/or the Cheyenne Kenney for State Assembly campaign to bay161[@]riseup[.] net.