On February 12th of this year, the newest iteration of the Bay Area Proud Boys attempted to host dual North Bay/South Boy rallies, harassing patients at Planned Parenthood in Santa Rosa and San Jose. Outnumbered and opposed at both locations, the rallies were a flop and saw South Bay Proud Boys ditch and run after a minor police presence showed – but not before meeting up in San Jose with genocidal transphobe, homophobe and leader of “a perfectly peaceful racist group (sic)” the National Straight Pride Coalition, Donald James Grundmann.
Among those in San Jose on Feb 12th wearing off-brand Fred Perrys were Robert Michael Gomez and brother Joseph Thomas Gomez, two Bay Area Proud Boys. The Gomez brothers run a family business, Door Guys Co. out of Gilroy, CA and hold a C-61/D28 License for Doors, Gates, and Activation Devices installation, with work experience that includes local school districts and various tech companies in the South Bay. On the ground reports noted a white van transporting several Proud Boys that day — which match descriptions of the Gomez brother’s work van — staging on the grounds of the nearby Herbert Hoover Middle School.

The Gomez brothers’ work seems further intertwined with their role within the Bay Area Proud Boys, with graphics on the Door Guys Co. website matching graphics for their “Groyper” style podcast and telegram channel, and the hosting of their work website with neo-Nazi friendly hosting service Epik (who recently suffered a serious data breach), matching Robert’s registration of the Bay Area Proud Boy’s website.

Of additional concern is the relationship the Gomez brothers held with New Jersey area Neo-Nazi Boogaloo Boy Paul Miller aka “Gypsy Crusader”, a former Proud Boy associate turned accelerationist neo-Nazi Omegle streamer, who among other things called for the murder of Rep. Ilhan Omar, praised Christchurch shooter Brenton Tarrant, and spent stream after stream screaming slurs at children, sieg heiling, and urging his followers on to race war and genocide. Miller is currently serving a sentence for firearms related charges. On the Gomez brothers’ podcast they idealized Miller as “the scourge of Antifa” and later telegram messages show a long-winded rant after Miller’s arrest idealizing him and playing into his self-made mythology of victimhood, saying that they “(…) have interviewed and talked to this man for years and he’s a normal dude”. Miller as “GypsyCrusader” and the Gomez brothers were also mutual followers on Gab, the social media site notorious for hosting Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers.

The brothers’ social media presence also clearly indicates that the two are followers and adherents of Nick Fuentes’s paleo-conservative tinged white nationalist America First movement, as well as supporters of the Mannerbund, a neo-fascist movement arguing for the creation of masculine fraternities as a means of materializing white nationhood. They are also fans of Robert “Azzmador” Ray of the Daily Stormer, who is currently on the run after charges stemming from Unite the Right in Charlottesville, as well as the work of Proud Boy doxxer “Elias McMahone” Chadwick Seagraves. The Mannerbund’s main “contribution” to the broader movement is its anthem “By God We’ll Have Our Home Again” which has been adopted by Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman’s explicitly Nazi offshoot, the “Proud Goys” and was sung in Sacramento as “the Proud Boy Anthem” at the height of the “Stop the Steal” protests, as well as at a Proud Boy gathering in Modesto. The Bay Area Proud Boys have posted videos using the same song and have used skull mask imagery reminiscent of Atomwaffen Division and the neo-fascist Iron March forum.

Considering the recently leaked Supreme Court draft decision seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade and potentially empower states to go after similar rights to privacy such as same-sex marriage, contraception access and consensual private sexual activity, the Proud Boys’ attacks on Planned Parenthoods can hardly be considered an anomaly. Following the 2020 George Floyd Uprisings, the American far-right has doubled down on their attempts to repress political dissent, restrict or eliminate reproductive freedoms, and have further sought to marginalize queer and trans people – including criminalizing hormone replacement therapy for minors and people under 25, advancing “Don’t Say Gay” legislation, and furthering the narrative that LGBTQ+ individuals are “groomers” and should be removed from positions of visibility and from gainful employment. All these crackdowns on individual rights reflect the classic fascist obsession with “degeneracy”, as theorized by Julius Evola in Revolt Against the Modern World, condemned by Benito Mussolini and his henchmen, and realized in the early street actions of the Nazi SA. In the U.S., in addition to restricting access to reproductive and gender affirmative healthcare, this has manifested as targeted resistance to racial integration, anti-sodomy laws, fetal endangerment prosecutions, and other state interventions that venerate the “traditional family” and work in tandem with white identitarian concepts of hyper-natalism, or the obsession with increasing white birth rates to avoid ethnic “replacement”. Last month, 18 year old white nationalist Payton S. Gendron walked into a Buffalo, NY supermarket and and murdered 10 people, specifying in his manifesto that he was looking to kill Black people. Gendron’s manifesto and attack explicitly reference the 2019 El Paso shooting, as well as Christchurch mass shooter Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto “The Great Replacement” which advanced the conspiracy theory of “white replacement”, repeatedly emphasized declining white birthrates, and called for white hyper-natalism and the murder of non-whites. These accelerationist attacks and fascist street actions work hand in hand with the post-Trump GOP to blatantly encourage and enact violence and murder, influenced by the reactionary desire to create a world where the totality of their “anti-modern” white nationalist vision can be realized.
Wherever these fascists take to the streets to victimize and harass, antifascists and community members need to stand up and confront them – there is no such thing as the Bay Area “liberal bubble” for the marginalized individuals they regularly seek to target. For the reasons listed above, and because of the Gomez brothers’ obvious intent to repeatedly threaten and intimidate Planned Parenthood patients, their evident anti-Black racism, hatred of transgender people and Muslims, as well as their concerning history of employment contracts with local school districts and presence on middle school campuses, we believe residents of Gilroy and the surrounding South Bay should avoid patronizing their business, and alert their neighbors and their community to these fascists organizing in their neighborhood and the wider Bay Area.
Robert Michael Gomez
1390 Peregrine Dr., Gilroy, CA 95020
Robert Gomez’s White Nissan NV200 SV “Door Guys Co.” Work Van Grey Racks On Top w/ Gilroy Nissan plate trim CA Plate #: 86484V1 **has used this vehicle to transport Proud Boys to and from rallies**
Robert’s Silver Ford F-150 “Yee Yee” sticker and other Chud/2nd Amendment Stickers Paso Robles Ford plate trim CA Plate #: 16467K3
Wife Genieve M. Gomez’s (née Carlino) Blue Honda Pilot Sunnyvale Hopkins plate trim, CA Plate #: 7ZAN022
Door Guys Co.
505 Mayock Rd. Gilroy, CA (Unit D-16)
For more information on the Bay Area Proud Boys be sure to check out @Borwin10’s thread on BAPB North Bay VP Richard Kenney Lewis Jr. aka “DrtyDeedz”
Please report any and all info on the Bay Area Proud Boys, Joe & Robert Michael Gomez, or any other regional fascist activity to bay161[@]riseup[dot]net.