**Disclaimer: Many of the Pagan symbols discussed in this article are not necessarily indicators of neo-Nazism, Please use discretion before judging or confronting someone based on these symbols alone.**
On March 15, Justin Peoples (30) of Stockton, CA, a Black Navy veteran and father of two, was murdered by white supremacists Christina Lyn Garner and Jeremy Wayne Jones – completely unprovoked, while stopped at a Chevron gas station in nearby Tracy. Peoples was said to be working two jobs with the hopes of soon buying a home, and was shot first by Garner and then stabbed repeatedly by Jones. Peoples would later be pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Jeremy Wayne Jones (49), originally from Livermore and girlfriend Christina Lyn Gardner (42) originally from Manteca, now both living in Stockton, would be arrested the next day, after being identified by Jones’ new throat tattoo “Christina”. Jones’ social media documents his time inside the California Prison System, his recent release on March 1st, and his affiliations which are clearly visible via his various white power tattoos. Clear from both a current Facebook account and an older account circa 2018 is Jones’ involvement with white supremacist prison gangs like Aryan Brotherhood, as well as with racist or “folkish” paganism also sometimes called “Odinism”. A third person, Christopher Angelo Dimenco (52) was arrested as accessory to the murder.

Graphics shared by Jones suggest a level of involvement with “Odinist” prison gangs and religious groups, and an investment in pagan white power identity. Jones signed off various posts vaguely targeted at those he felt had wronged him with “Victory or Valhalla” (essentially victory or death in combat) and posts display various Viking imagery, Germanic and Norse Runes, mixed with overt Nazi symbolism and numerology.
On a photo Jones posted while incarcerated, a Facebook friend posted “Can’t wait until you’re on this side of the fence bro!! You have a fat steak dinner coming!” this poster, Francisco “Frankie” B. Moreira of Stockton California, like Jones, adheres to racist interpretations of the Prose & Poetic Edda, and appears to believe in an idealized “Odinist” interpretation of white genealogy, white supremacy, and racialized spirituality. Posts from Moreira show his involvement in racist skinhead culture, with him pictured alongside Asatru Folk Assembly “folkbuilder” Marc Macleod (whom he refers to as his “Brüder”) while otherwise dressing the part and hinting at skinhead affiliation. Moreira’s additional posts of a celtic cross burning, and various slavic and pagan symbols frequently used by neo-Nazis denote adherence to folkish Asatru and white supremacy.

Moreira can be seen attending a large gathering at the “whites-only” Asatru Folk Assembly’s Brownsville location “Odinshof” a hub for organized skinheads, white nationalist identitarians, and esoteric pagan neo-nazis to gather under the guise of practicing the “indigenous religion for white people”. MacLeod and many other organized racists both Asatru Folk Assembly members and not can be pictured, despite the organization’s 501(c)3 legal status and weak claim to not be involved with organized neo-Nazis or white supremacists.

Founded in 1994 by Army veteran, former national guardsmen, and white nationalist propagandist, Steven A. McNallen, the Asatru Folk Assembly attempts to materialize white nationalism through the creation of a “whites-only” explicitly racist form of Norse Paganism. Headquartered in Brownsville, CA at “Odinshof” with two additional hofs in Linden, NC and Murdock, MN the Asatru Folk Assembly draws recruits from the MAGA movement, skinhead groups like Golden State Skinheads, Black metal and neofolk subcultures, and from “Odinist/Folkish Asatru” organizing and “advocacy” within prison and the armed forces. Up at Odinshof and at their two other hofs (with plans to expand with hofs in Florida and Ohio), the Asatru Folk Assembly conduct lectures on “metagenetics” and white identity, conduct 501(c)3 mandated food distributions, and educate the children of members in a curriculum of white supremacy. Moreira and Cloos explicit support of the Asatru Folk Assembly, and attendance at events at Odinshof should be noted.

Posts by Moreira indicate his involvement with local biker culture, and from comments on his Facebook looking to buy Hell’s Angels Supporters merch it looks like he may occasionally attend Hells Angels and other regional MC’s events.

We are releasing this information due to Moreira and Cloos open support and affiliation with the Asatru Folk Assembly, a designated hate group operating inside and out of the California Prison System, various armed forces, and that houses a wide variety of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In addition, we believe that Moreira’s connection and open support and sympathy for Jeremy Wayne Jones while his connections to Aryan Brotherhood and organized hate within the California Prison system were clearly apparent hints towards a level of involvement in the same circles and the same feedback loop of the Asatru Folk Assembly, Aryan Brotherhood, and racist skinhead crews that regularly seek to kill. The fact that they appeared to both reside in Stockton for an overlapping time-frame make us believe that publicizing Moreira’s connections to Marc Macleod, Jeremy Wayne Jones, and the Asatru Folk Assembly is in the interest of residents of Stockton, Tracy, and the broader SF bay area.
Francisco B. Moreira & Katie E. Cloos
Address: 1149 Calhoun Way, Stockton CA 95207
Employment: (Francisco Moreira) Refrigeration pipefitter at Climate Pros HVAC & Refrigeration cs[@]climateprosinc[dot]com (630) 893-8511 (Katie Cloos) Medical Assistant & Manager at ExamWorks (404) 952-2400 www.examworks.com
Vehicles: Dark Grey 2013 Dodge Challenger (Cloos), Black Harley-Davidson Street Glide Motorcycle (Moreira), White Climate Pro Van Plate: 5141583 (Moreira)
Please send any and all information pertaining to Frankie Moreira, Katie E. Cloos, the Asatru Folk Assembly or any other regional neo-Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists to bay161[@]riseup[dot]net.